March 11, 2008

Miracles Are At Work Here ..... More Hope For Loved Ones!

My note to 'MLG' - MLG, thanks for sharing & do you mind ..... do you mind if I post your letter on my blog, I can post it exactly or with complete anonymity, if you like. it is a goosebump story. Patricia Sarahjoy & Living (My Kid's Almost 3 Years Clean Of Meth)

MLG's note to Me Patricia, be my guest, AND any others here who would like to post. I know as a loved one, we grasp on any flicker of hope we can get. I was truly a "smoldering flax" until I finally surrendered FULLY

Miracles are at work here...More hope for loved ones!

I have to share this...Two years ago at this time, I thought my daughter was probably dead. Hadn't heard/seen her in about a year. She was very, very sick from meth, after 15 yrs. of drug abuse/alcohol addiction. Today, as I write this, she has just been employed by a rehab ranch outside of town. It's very beautiful in a gorgeous setting. She will live there rent free, and be trained on the job to be a certified addiction counselor. Her personal Sponsor knew the woman that runs the place, and recommended our daughter. It is 12-Step based, and also embraces a lot of Native American philosophy, which our daughter has also been embracing. They focus on 2 things hugely: Proper Nutrition and testing the Neurotransmitters in the brains of the addicts there. I heard about this in a forum last Sept. and was impressed with the new focus on brain chemicals and lack there of that can be a huge contributor to addiction. Also, they ask that the employees do not smoke! Our daughter has lately embraced vegetarianism, however, the smoking will be tough. She has been smoking American Spirits lately and really does want to stop. The woman said they will help her with it. Anyway, just thought I'd share that JUST FOR TODAY, small miracles are happening. Two years ago, I was fantasizing about her funeral. mlg

This original post is from KCI Anti-Meth Site, to read it and the follow up comments, click here.

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