February 25, 2008

Letters From KCI Anti-Meth Site

~ Warning - Some letters may "trigger" crystal meth users. ~

My sister who is 42 is a meth addict - She would love it if she could lead a normal life but she can't say no to meth. She has always been weak where drugs or alcohol is concerned. She was an alcoholic and used to abuse by men. Her 1st husband commited suicide and within a month she was using Ist smoking and then injecting it. Ater a year she lost her son and alot else. After spending 3 months in jail for child support non payment she came out clean. I couldn't believe it My little sister was back. It didn't take 2 months and she lost 30 lbs and shows all the signs of back on meth. Meth has affected us all terribly. She now lives with our mother who has her child. She lies and well, still steals. But we can't get my mom to quit enabling her.(To continue reading this letter, click here, this is first letter on site)
Meth Killed My Son - Numerous people write in about the devastation of meth, I want to write about my son, who died cause of meth. Jeff was 25 when he died, he had moved out 15 months earlier, he was in college, he was an artist, he was witty, clever, glib, sarcastic, incredibly smart. He was athletic, he break-danced, he was a barber, everyone loved him. I didn't know my son was on drugs, he didn't steal from me, he hid it from his brother and when I saw him he acted normal. I never had a chance to even try to help him, and I would of done anything to try and save him had I known. After he died I heard the story from many of his friends.... (To continue reading this story, click here, this is about eighth letter on site.)

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